

Foundation Curriculum

Nursery - Term 1 - All About Me

Nursery - Term 2 - My Home and Family

Nursery Term 3 - Winter Wonderland

Nursery Term 4 - The Big and the Small

Nursery Term 5 - Giants Dinosaurs and Dragons

Reception - Term 1 - All about Me!

Reception Term 2 - My Home and My Family

Reception Term 3 - Winter Wonderland

Reception Term 4 - The Big and the Small

Reception Term 5 - Giants, Dinosaurs and Dragons

The curriculum for children in the Foundation Stage is based on the government’s Foundation Stage Curriculum guidance Development Matters. It is divided into the following areas of learning:

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
  • Physical Development;
  • Communication and Language.

Specific Areas

  • Literacy;
  • Mathematics;
  • Expressive Art and Design; 
  • Understanding the World

At the end of the Reception year, all children are assessed to see if they have met a set of early learning goals (ELG) in different areas of learning.

Development Matters Guidance Document

EYFS Long Term Plan

National Curriculum - Years 1 and 2

The children study units of work in the following subjects. Please click on the subject links to find out about each subjects Intent, Implementation, Impact and the progression in knowledge and skills.

Long Term Planning Year 1 2023-2024 Final V1

Long Term Planning Year 2 2023-2024 Final V1

Core Subjects:





Online Safety

Foundation Subjects:



Art and Design

Oldbrook First School Progression of skills for Music September 2023

Oldbrook First School and Nursery Music National Development Plan 2024

Physical Education [PE]

Design Technology [DT]

Religious Education [RE]


The creative curriculum is carefully planned, with reference to the National Curriculum. There is an overall yearly plan, which shows the content covered by each year group, each term. Schemes of Work give details of what is taught, teaching methods, resources and assessment arrangements. Teachers work in year group planning teams to produce detailed weekly plans, which show learning intentions and activities for each lesson.

Learning intentions are shared with children so that they know what they are doing and why. Children have targets so that they know what they need to do to improve.

Curriculum Newsletters

Year 1 - Term 1- Mastering Materials

Year 1 - Term 2 - Once upon a time

Year 1 - Term 3 - Starry night

Year 1 - Term 4 - Full Steam Ahead

Year 2 - Term 1 Great Fire of London

Year 2 - Term 2 - Twisted Tales

Year 2 - Term 3 - One Small Step ... Space

Year 2 - Term 4 - The Wonderful World of Beatrix Potter

Year 2 - Term 5 - Revolting Rhymes


Read, Write, Inc.

How we teach Reading

At Oldbrook First School we follow the Read Write Inc programme for teaching sounds and reading. This starts during your child’s first month in Reception. The information below will provide you with further details about what the programme involves and how you can help at home.

What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc is a fully integrated reading programme, firmly based in synthetic phonics. Synthetic phonics is simply the ability to convert a letter or letter group into sounds that are then blended together into a word. These words are embedded in lovely stories so children can read books independently.

The 5 Principles

  1. Pace

The children are carefully assessed then taught in small ability groups, with children participating fully throughout each session.

  1. Praise

The children are praised regularly to help them gain confidence and develop a love of reading.

  1. Focused teaching

Every activity has a clear purpose and high expectations are modelled by staff.

  1. 100% participation

Children work with a partner, teaching each other and sharing ideas so that every child is actively involved throughout every session.

  1. Love of reading

Staff and children enjoy the lessons and share a passion for reading – the greater the passion, the faster the progress!

Resources for Parents and Carers

The films below show parents and carers how we teach children to read and write with Read Write Inc Phonics.

Click here to learn how to say the sounds