

We are pleased to welcome you to our school website and hope that you will find the information here both helpful and interesting.

The Governing body of Oldbrook First School and Nursery are committed to working in partnership with the Head Teacher and other school staff to promote high standards of educational achievement and pastoral care.

The governing body includes representatives from parents and staff, nominees from Milton Keynes Council and some members who have been co-opted. All governors, apart from the Headteacher, serve a four year term of office.

Instrument of Governance Oldbrook First School

The governing body's clerk is provided by the Learning and Development Directorate. The Chair of Governors is Mrs Janet Haines, who may be contacted through the school via

School governors operate as a corporate body and work in close association with the Headteacher for the benefit of the school. Individual governors bring their own areas of expertise. They give their time freely to the school, attend training sessions, appoint staff, visit the school often and are available to support and help when needed. All their work for the school is voluntary and unpaid.  The board is made up of three committees; Finance and Personnel, Premises, School Improvement and Curriculum.  These are chaired by Mrs Janet Haines (Chair of Governors).

Governor Attendance 2023 - 2024

Governor Attendance 2022 - 2023

Governor Attendance 2021 - 2022

Governor Attendance 2020 -2021

Governor Attendance 2019-20

Governor Attendance 2018 - 2019

GovernorsAppointed ByUntilInterestsCommitteesResponsibilities
Mrs Janet Haines (Chair, local authority governor)Governing Body
June 2026NoneFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Child protection/ Safeguarding and Child Protection
Safer recruitment
Health and wellbeing
Headteacher Appraisal
Year 2: Frogs and Dragonflies
Cygnets Nursery
Mr Hopkins (Head teacher)HeadteacherFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Miss Colleen Kirkbride (Vice Chair of governors)Governing Body 05/04/19April 2027Assistant Vice Principal
At local school
Finance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Headteacher Appraisal
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Inclusion and English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Performance management
Year 1 : Robins and Ladybirds
Ms Sara Jarman (staff governor)Staff Election
September 2027TeacherFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Ms Elizabeth BancroftGoverning Body
February 2025Governor at Loughton Manor First school and a Trustee at Denbigh AllianceFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Mr Peter Clark (LA Governor)Governing Body
November 2024Employed by the Department for Education (DfE)Premises
School improvement and curriculum
Foundation: Chicks and Ducklings
Nikki HuntGoverning Body 05/04/19April 2027NonePremises
School improvement and curriculum
Parent Governor
Mrs Rachael DunkleyGoverning Body
November 2024Assistant HeadteacherFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Mrs Marta SparhottParents
April 2027Parent of pupils who attend schoolSchool improvement and curriculum
Any three eligible governors for:
Pupil discipline committee, Hearings committee, Appeals committee (not the head teacher, or other members of staff or members of the hearings committee or head teacher performance management committee), and Complaints committee (to include one parent governor).
Governors who have left in the last year.
Mrs Angela Merrington (co opted governor)Governing Body 05/04/19April 2023NoneFinance and personnel
School improvement and curriculum
Minutes and agenda clerk for meetings and committees
Mr Karthick SivanathParents 17.04.23September 2023NoneSchool improvement and curriculum