
The School Day


Morning Session 8.45am to 11.45am (15 hour funding)

Afternoon Session 11:45am to 3pm (15 hour funding)

All Day 8.45 - 3.00 (30 hour funding)

Children receive a snack throughout the morning session and we ask that parents contribute £1 per week towards this.

Reception and Key Stage 1

School starts at 8.45am until 12.00 noon

Break: 10.25am to 10.40am

Assembly: 10.45am to 11.00am

Lunchtime: 12.00 - 15.55

Afternoon Session: 1.00pm to 3.15pm

This equates to 32.5 hours per week.



Children should enter school each morning through the playground entrance. The doors open at 8.40am and children should come into the school building as they arrive.  The playground doors for R/1/2 will close at 8.45am. Registration is at 8.45am. Parents are asked to ensure that children do not arrive on the school playground before 8.40am. The Pirate Ship should not be used at this time.  The school are not responsible should an accident occur during this time.

It is important that children arrive to school on time with their classmates.  All children will be taught phonics at the start of the school day and it is essential that they do not miss this.

Children who arrive late will have to enter through the main school entrance and be signed in by a parent/carer.  Please note that a fixed penalty notice (£120 per parent) may be issued to parents of children who are persistently late.

A Breakfast Club takes place in the school hall from 8.00am to 8.45am. If you are interested in a place, please complete the online application form by clicking on the following link:

Breakfast Club Registration Form

Children attending Breakfast Club come directly to the school hall from 8.00am onwards.  Payment must be made in advance using Parentmail at £2 per day.

At home time, we ask that parents wait in the playground by the outside door nearest to their child’s class. All staff will ensure that the appropriate adult for each child is present before they release the child. It is important for your child that you arrive at school NO LATER than 3.15pm. If you are unavoidably detained, please telephone the school as soon as you can to prevent any distress for your child.

Children who attend After School Care at local After School clubs are supervised until they are collected.

Children should not walk to or from school unaccompanied. We expect that there will always be a responsible adult to collect them.