Health & Wellbeing
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
At Oldbrook School emotional health and wellbeing is taught through the SEAL programme which is incorporated into our PSHE planning.
We develop the skills needed for pupils to work with each other in groups and to understand the opinions of others. Emotional health, well-being and resilience are at the core of teaching and learning.
Our learning mentor runs interventions to help pupils increase confidence, enhance their learning, improve their relationships with peers, resolve conflicts and feel happier at school.
Healthy Eating
The national curriculum develops pupils’ knowledge of healthy eating and a balanced diet through science, design technology and cross curricular links.
Healthier Together
The Healthier Together website is a digital resource designed to support children, young people and their parents/carers. It aims to empower parents and carers – giving them the right tools to manage their children and young people’s physical health and emotional well-being. Please click on the photograph below for a quick link.
Being Healthy
2 hours quality PE every week
Active after school clubs
MK School Sports Partnership
Healthy hot school meals
Active Playtimes and Lunchtimes
Monitoring of Healthy Lunchboxes
Circle Time
Staying Safe
Safeguarding policies regularly updated
DBS checks for all staff and governors
School and class rules
SEAL implemented
CCTV and door entry system
Strong relationships between staff and pupils
Child protection / safeguarding training regularly updated
First Aid training for all staff
Safe practices ensured in all aspects of school life
Individual health care plans for identified children
Safeguarding Governor
Risk Assessments Completed
Learning Mentor support for pupils
Additional medical training for specific staff
Enjoy & Achieve
A stimulating, challenging and relevant cross curricular curriculum
Themed days and weeks
Promoting Attendance
A4L embedded
Challenging Targets
Outdoor play provision
Forest schools practices and outdoor learning
Building Learning Power
Annual programme of visits and events
Excellent EAL Provision
Parental and Local Partnerships
Learning Mentor support for pupils